Monday, August 24, 2009

The first day of classes

Well my first day of classes went pretty well. At 9 to 9:50 I had conversational french where my professor went over the sylabus and then we all introduced ourselves. Apparently not a lot of people sign up for conversational french so they combine the conversational french class with the French 101 class. So we are going to be using the same textbook which will be nice if I decided to take French 101. Then she gave us this packet to read over that gave little things such as how to pronounce the alphabet in french and she went over it with us by pronouncing each letter and then having us say it after she said it. Then we ran out of time so class was over.

From 11 to 11:50 I had U.S. History 1. It was ok but I am looking forward to actually getting started in the class. The professor just went over the rules and read us part of the sylabus and told us we could read the rest of it online.

Then I went and had lunch and then I went in for a job interview as a stage hand with the drama department. That went really well as all I had to do was fill out an application and the head of the drama department was telling me about what the job entails. I'll find out tonight if I get the job. I think I have a good chance because I have some experience in this from taking stagecraft in high school so we will see what happens.

At three I had math.... You know those teachers that drone on because they have been teaching in their professions for so long? Well thats what my math teachers like. However I am going to stick it out for the semester as I dont know what he is really like just after one day in class with him. However sinces its a 4 credit class I have it every day from 3 to 3:50 p.m.

I called my bank today to see why my debit card hadnt arrived so they said I should receive it within 3 to five business days. I need is asap so I can order my books online and since I have no other way to access money at the moment because my bank doesnt have a branch down here in the Thatcher/Safford area. Such is life. However it had better come soon or I will be making a angry phone call to my bank to find out what exactly is there problem.

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