Friday, September 18, 2009

I like Pandora

Ok so before class starts while everyone is still coming in my professor for U.S. History always has some Beethoven playing on his computer through the internet radio service I wrote down the website this morning and now I am on it while writing this. Its awesome. It doesnt seem like they have much in the way in Foreign Artists (well Arab artists are the only foreign artists I have tried so far) but they do have a lot of american bands such as The All American Rejects. Basically you go on and type in a Band or a Song and it searches for it and if they have it you can listen to it. And the best part of it all is that its free!

Right now I am just a general studies major but I am seriously considering also doing a major in World History. Why you may ask? I am good at History and I enjoy it to an extent. One of these days I need to sit down with a Guidance Counseler and see what classes I would need to take to get an Associates Degree in History. I plan on also getting an Associates Degree in General Studies so when I transfer to a University I wont have to take "Core Classes" again after I've already taken them. But then again there are so many things I could major in that it could take me years to get out of school if I pursued Bachelors Degrees in all these areas.

Ugh.... You know those caffine withdrawel headaches you get if you drink caffinated drinks and then dont drink any caffiene for a few days? Well a couple of weeks ago I gave up drinking soda because I am trying to lose weight and all that sugar that soda has wasnt helping with my weight loss goals. So I switched to drinking water. Well tonight I decided to get a soda and I ended up getting something with caffiene in it and I am getting the caffiene withdrawel headache while drinking it. Ugh...

So I went to Wal Mart yesterday and noticed they still had some back to school sales going on so I went over to the back to school section and noticed they had bath towels on sale. Now I had already gotten one on sale at this Wal Mart for three bucks. Not a bad deal right? Well they still had the same matching towels on sale for three bucks apiece there so I ended up getting two more.

Math class was cancelled today because my math teacher was sick and didnt come to school today so I only had U.S. History in the morning and then I was free. I had finally gotten some money to put on my laundry card. My school for the washers and dryers uses a card similar to a debit card where it has a chip on it and then you insert the card into the machine and it deducts the cost of the wash or dry (75 cents). You put money on it by going to a machine near the residence life offices and putting the card in the machine and either swiping your debit or credit card or putting cash on it by slipping a 5, 10, or 20 dollar bill into the bill acceptor. My debit card got here finally so I was able to put some money on my laundry card and do my laundry. So I got all of that done so I have clean clothes to wear! Now I need to find a part time job so I am not always broke. My parents give me a little money each month but it all goes towards school stuff such as my laundry. So if I want spending money I need to find a part time job and I am not having much luck with that. All campus jobs at this point are taken and I've been trying since before school started. Oh well I will just have to keep looking.


Tenise said...

Cool. I keep hearing great things about Pandora, but I've yet to check it out. Perhaps I should! Sounds like college life is going well. I still think you should head to Rexburg! Haha.

David said...

yeah pandora is pretty nice and its free