Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm thinking of moving...

I am thinking of moving within the next few months. I'll still be at EAC for the Spring Semester however I want to move out of Mark Allen Hall and either move into the Residence Towers or an Apartment across the street. The reason I want to move out of Mark Allen hall is that the football team lives on my floor and they are a loud bunch of jerks and they will not be quiet even when you ask them. So its like 200-300 bucks more for the towers per semester and if I can scrape that together I will see if I can move there. I am also feeling boxed in in this small town and cant wait till Thanksgiving to go to Mesa.

However also I want to leave Arizona and I might be doing that this summer. I am absolutely sick of Arizona and I need to get out of here soon. I've lived here far too long in my opinion and I also need to get out of the Southwest. Next semester I am either going to take medical billing or a nursing assistant course so I can easily get a job that would pay decently while I work my way through school.

Anyways I kinda want to move back to Maryland but its really expensive there so I would need to have a lot of money saved up before I moved and a job lined up there. I would eventually want to go to University of Maryland College Park.

I mailed in my stuff to Primavera High School and I hopefully will be able to start my online class through them on October 5th. I only need a goverment class to get a high school diploma so I am going to try to finish this class and pass it asap. Then I would finally have my high school diploma. I should have gotten it from my last High School but my Principal was a jerk and decided at the last minute that I wasnt graduating. So its time to move on and I will be finishing through Primavera Online High School. This shouldnt be too hard to finish.

A friend of mine introduced me to some more arab artists Ramy Ayash and Joseph Attieh. Go look them up on youtube they are worth listening to.

No luck in the part time job department at the moment and all positions at school are filled so I am still looking.

I had two essays due this week. One in English 101 and the other in U.S. History 101. Ugh they were a pain to do. And I have a test tommorrow in U.S. History... Double ugh. It shouldnt be too bad though as the instructor says its multiple choice.

I just spent the last three hours walking. I decided to take a walk after dinner and I just lost track of time.

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