Friday, May 21, 2010


Well so far no luck with finding a job. I interviewed at Wal Mart and though the interview went pretty well I didn't get the job. Oh well its life and lets move on. No I'm looking elsewhere for a job. So right now I am doing odd jobs around my Aunts house such as yardwork and moving boxes of food storage to her food storage closet downstairs in her basement.

Weatherwise I am really enjoying it up here. Unfortunately I haven't really met anyone my age. What I mean is I have met someone close to my age but he lives in the St George area which is about a 4 hour drive away. His Mom and my Aunt have been friends for over 30 years and were best friends when they used to live in Virginia. In fact her husband and my Dad used to be room-mates when they lived in Virginia. So our families go pretty far back but I had never met them until I stopped for the night at their house on my way up to my Aunts house.

So all in all I think its been a good decision so far to move up here.

1 comment:

Ritsuka said...

i'm happy for you! that sucks about the job thing falling through, but honestly, you don't want to work at a wal-mart if you can at all avoid it. i know you really need a job, but consider it a blessing in disguise.