Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is it with me and writing letters...

Honestly what is it with me and writing letters. I wrote a letter to my Dad to let him know that I left the Mormon church and explained my reasons for doing so. I think it was a fair letter. Now I have not sent it. I just typed it up. Honestly I think it helped to be able to write my thoughts and opinions down. I probably will actually send this one this summer but after I get a job and get financially stable. I think this will be for the best and will allow me to be completely honest with my parents about my opinions on several subjects and religious views. Yes this is going to be rough but I do love my parents so I think it will just be best if I tell them. I've been nervous all this time since I left the Mormon Church on what will happen if I tell my parents but I think now is the time to tell them. I will just have to see what happens. I doubt my Dad or Mom will cut me out of the family though this may strain a few things.


Unknown said...

I have to say, bro, I do not approve of your actions. You know the truth; I've seen it in your eyes.

Ritsuka said...

Are you referring to the action of leaving the Mormon Church? If being a part of the church was making him unhappy, then leaving it is the best thing he could have done. Religion isn't for everybody, and it isn't fair to expect it to be. Being without religion does not make a person amoral or "bad;" it just means they don't feel the need to worship a deity to make themselves feel fulfilled.

Unknown said...

wait. when did this happen? and why?

Unknown said...

you know david, i think you and my brother both have the same thing. except that my brother was pissed with "must-not-be-named" that made him turn out of the church. i understand you. it's ok. it's your choice anyways how you will live your life

Unknown said...

Ritsuka, I love my brother dearly and I am not saying he is a bad person. I was only giving him my opinion on his decision; I would want him to do the same for me if the situation was reversed.

Ritsuka said...

it is fine to give an opinion when asked, but the way it is phrased has a major bearing on how it is received.