Thursday, June 24, 2010

I got a new job...

Well I applied at a small restaurant about a 5 minutes drive from where I live so I can ride a bike there and I just got a call today saying I got the job so I'll be putting in my two weeks notice at my current workplace when I go into work today and in about two weeks I'll be starting at a new job.


Ritsuka said...

i'm glad for you! what kind of restaurant is it? and what will you be doing there? a waiter?

David said...

Its a small restaurant that serves things like milkshakes, burgers and fries. I'll be cooking in the back because thats where they need help. I'm also looking for another job for during the day since I'll be working 4-9 there and I need to save up for school because even with a student loan to help cover the cost of school I can't afford tuition (around $5500) this fall so I'm taking a semester off to save up money so I can start school again in the Spring. I've also got a strange feeling that after I finish my Associates Degree I'm heading out to Virginia.

Ritsuka said...

are you getting your associate's in general studies?

David said...

Yes I am going to do that just to get all of those General requirements out of the way.