Monday, January 19, 2009

I finished my service learning hours requirement!

Well I finished my service learning hours graduation requirement. Basically its community service. My p.e. teacher who I needed to sign the form I had to fill out because I helped out with the school soccer tournament saying I had been there for a certain amount of time signed it and turned it in to the woman in charge of Service learning and I.B. Well I dont need to worry about anything I.B. since I'm not in the I.B. program not even the certificates. Oh well. So now I've got that graduation requirement finished.

Today all the Seniors had a meeting during lunch talking about raising money for Graduation, Senior Class Portraits, a possible class ring and all that stuff. We've already done the robe fitting since the school supplies them and we dont have to buy them. Basically they have a closet with a lot of grad robes (ours are blue) and you find one that fits you and is long enough so it doesnt look bad and not so long so you dont trip when going up on stage. Then when you find one they give you a name tag with your name and homeroom on it and you hang it back up. I suppose we wont see them till Senior Portrait or Graduation so its going to be a while. I honestly cannot wait to graduate. I just want this to be over so I can move on with life. Dont get me wrong I like my current High School its just that I'm getting bored and am having Senioritis. I'm looking forward to being a college freshman next year.

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