Friday, January 16, 2009

Spreading my wings....

I am a bird.
Perched and stretching ready to spread my wings.
I want to fly and soar and glide through the sky.
To feel the wind on my face and wings.
And to be free.
In reality you may know me as
a High School Senior
with Graduation a few months away.
Thinking god dammit High School sucks when you're a Senior.
You know it is inevitable but you are still waiting.
To spread my wings and be free.

I like my current High School but I also cannot wait to graduate. My cousin was right when he warned me that your Senior Year of High School is the worst since its your last year of High School and you know you will be graduating soon and you are really just waiting for time.

Well last Wednesday I helped out with my schools soccer tournament. I think the Jv and the Varsity team won a game each so Go Eagles! So now I should have all the community service hours I needed since I only needed 4.5 more and I was helping from 11 a.m. (I got to ditch afternoon classes!) to 4:30 p.m. Now I just need to fill out the paper and have my P.E. teacher who was supervising the tournaments sign the paper so its considered "verified." However I also managed to get my face sunburned. In the winter. And it was really windy and cold that day as a result of the wind. Now since I was wearing a jacket and jeans only my face got sunburned and as a result I've got a pink face at the moment which looks like I scrubbed a layer of skin off. Now well see how long it takes for this to go away. I'm one of those people who does not tan but burns very easily. So I normally have very white skin except when I burn. In which case its either pink or red depending on how bad the sunburn is.

But this is mild compared to when I worked at Sunsplash 2 years ago and one day I ended up having to stand outside checking wristbands by the slides near the castles for over 4 hours (during the Arizona summer in 115 degree (f) heat) with no shade and no breaks until one of the lifeguards noticed that I had been there for a long time without a break and sent me back to the Snackbar. Apparently I looked like a lobster according to my Mom who was working there and her friend Carolina. The thing is when I had started my shift that morning I was checking bags out front with some of the people from the Ice Cream Shop who needed some more help so they asked my boss for some people from snack bar and I ended up out there. You might wonder how I ended up by the Castle. Well while I was helping out the Ice Cream Shop people the owner of the park came over and grabbed me and stuck me out by the slides. But he did this without telling my boss so she was wondering where I had been for hours since the Ice Cream Shop people didnt know what the owner had done with me. So over 4 hours later when I stumbled into the snack bar Carolina was the first to see me took one look at me and had me sit down on a cooler. Then my mom saw me and I told her what had happened. I got a lot of respect from my boss that day after she heard what happened. She had assumed that I was ditching work and just avoiding doing anything until she heard what had happened to me. The thing is, is that the owner had forgotten that he had put me there since he had gone off to do something else. It took several weeks for me to heal from that sunburn. Thank god for Aloe Vera Sunburn Lotion. That stuff felt so good.

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