Sunday, March 14, 2010

On Spring Break with nothing to do...

Well as my post says I'm on Spring Break with nothing to do till Wednesday when I leave for Cali with some friends and on Thursday when we actually go to Disneyland. At the moment I'm staying at a friends house here in town because I didn't have enough gas or money to get gas to go up to Mesa anyways plus I'm still fighting with the DMV over vehicle registration stickers. I renewed the registration when I got back to the States and I don't have to go through emissions testing as that is only require in Maricopa and Pima County but I never received the sticker and Servicearizona is being a douchebag about it and I don't want to get a fine that I shouldn't receive for Servicearizona not getting off their lazy asses. I need to go into the DMV soon within the next week and talk to them about it.


David said...

yeah. oh my captcha is atopo. that sounds greek

Ritsuka said...

it does sound Greek :)

Wanna know some dirty Japanese slang? "kintama" (pronounced "keen-tah-mah") - it means "balls." o_0