Monday, March 15, 2010

These tuition hikes

With all these tuition hikes in Arizona I am wondering where the hell they expect us to get the money to pay for this. Do they expect us to magically pull this money out of our asses when many students are already drowning in debt. Where the hell did concern for students go instead of greed and financial mismanagement. I just read an article about tution hikes for next year that are going to significantly increase tuition at U of A, ASU, and NAU. Well with ASU its no surprise as they do this every year but U of A and NAU? This is really ridiculous. Heres a link to the article

I'm glad I am leaving Arizona this summer and hopefully for good as this is completely ridiculous. Why should they raise tuition when we have one of the lowest educational ratings in the US? Were ranked 50th. Even Mississippi beat us (they were ranked 48th and Nevada was ranked 49th) heres the link to that


Ritsuka said...

The links didn't show up :(

and the thing about ASU that pisses me off the most is, they have the largest undergraduate student body in the U.S., with roughly 60,000 students. But it's like, if you can't afford to support that many students, then maybe you need to lower your NINETY-FIVE PERCENT acceptance rate?? This is why I hate Michael Crow. I understand that education is a business, but that comes last - we need someone who is first and foremost an aducator, and a businessman second.

David said...

for the state educational ranking heres the link

and for the article about tuition increases

I thought ASU had a enrolment of close to 100,000 students

Ritsuka said...

i don't know about total enrollment, but just the undergraduate enrollment alone is about 60K.

Ritsuka said...

like, there's graduate and PhD enrollment figures to add in to that, but I don't know what those are so I can't add 'em