Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why life is so much better after High School

Around the end of my Junior Year of High School this basically became my theme song. Now three High Schools later and after one year of College I'm thinking about this and while its true that the drama you see in High School never ends, life after High School gets way better. For example in college you are not usually sitting on your butt for 8 hours a day waiting for a bell for your next class to start. You quite often will have breaks between your classes or you may have 2 classes on one day and three on another. Quite often you will have less homework except requests by your Instructors to read over the material you talked about in class or read ahead for something you will be doing the next class. You generally have more time on your hands so you find things to do such as hang out with friends, find a job or whatnot. During High School a shell or a cocoon formed around me as that was the way I subconsciously chose to deal with all the stuff that goes on in High School so I basically shut myself up in myself and now I feel that that shell or cocoon is cracking and I am emerging. Bring on life!


Ritsuka said...

i am going to try to be as optimistic as you :)

David said...

Thanks. I've been depressed for several years so I'm still working on coming out of it.