Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm moving...

Summer of 2010. I know thats not as soon as I was hoping but at the moment I have no job and very little money so I wouldnt have enough to move this coming Summer to back East. So I'm going to do my Freshman year at EAC and try to save enough money working while I'm at EAC. I'm hoping to be able to get a work study job even though they dont pay much. But its a job and it would pay some money. So Kelly do you want to come with me when I escape Arizona or do you have other plans? I'm not really sure where I'm going to back East but it could be Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia, or Florida. I just want to escape the Southwest to a place I'm more familiar with. I miss seeing rain (often) and snow during the winter. I also miss having the beach a short drive away. I know Arizonas next to California but its still a 6-8 hour drive depending on which part of Southern California you go to. I miss having the beach being anywhere from a few minutes to a 2 hour drive. So I'm ready to escape and I hope to be able to do it in the Summer of 2010. Do you want to come with me Kelly?


Ritsuka said...

What exactly is EAC? Is it a college in SA? And Long Beach is about a 5-6 hour drive from Mesa, and right on the beach (as its name implies lol). I think you should come with me when I go to school there. I need friends there :)

That sucks that you won't be able to come back home before then. What about the Disney program? Has that been ruled out for some reason?

I was re-reading your old posts and in one of them you were saying how you were becoming interested in Buddhism because it is more of a philosophy than anything else. I have to say that I've been getting more into Wicca & Witchcraft (first discovered when I was about 10). I know it sounds like a very odd choice to most people, but it's something that I'm finding fulfilling, at least so far in my relatively incomplete knowledge of it. Just thought I'd say that ^_^

Ritsuka said...

Oh, by the way, as for my most recent post ("The Mixed Tape", another song)--no, nothing has happened. It's just another song that I happen to like. Mostly I like it because it can be applied to a lot of different things.

David said...

EAC stands for Eastern Arizona College. Its a small college about 20 miles from Tuscon in Thatcher. I got accepted to Southern Utah University but due to financial reasons I'm going to start at EAC.
The Disney didnt work out because I would need to have a over the phone interview and I would have to fax the application in and first it would cost a lot and theres the time difference. So I might do the program but I wont apply until I move back to the states.

I am now officially Buddist though when I get back to the U.S. I would like to say my conversion pledge in a buddist temple or zen center. For Buddism to convert all you really have to say is that you will follow the teachings of Budda. However I need to get into the habit of meditating regularly since that can help calm my mind down when I'm stressed out.
So what school in Long Beach did you get accepted to?

Ritsuka said...

well I haven't got accepted to it YET, but I will. I won't find out til march. I applied to Cal State Univ - LB, and I also applied to san diego state university and got an early acceptance notice from them. so it's cali, bay-bee!

David said...

let me know how it turns out. when you mentioned long beach that sparked some interest of mine and after looking at Cal State Long Beach I dont think I would mind going there. However I would probably be at Long Beach City College for a year to establish residency so it would be chaper for me. I honestly just want to get the hell out of Arizona if you know what I mean. I miss seeing rain, water on the ground, etc. I've lived in Arizona long enough. Its time to get out.