Thursday, February 11, 2010

I miss living back east

The grass, the trees, the flowers and other plants.
A warm lazy summer day with a shower of rain in the afternoon.
Trips to the beach in North Carolina during the summer.
The leaves changing colours during the fall.
Actual woods with big trees and not sticks.
Associating bridges with water.
Puddles after a rain shower.
Snow in the winter.
Plants being alive.
Spring poking up through the snow.
My Moms tulip garden in front of our house.
Squirrels and nuts
Wild blackberries growing on the sides of the roads where we would stop and pick buckets of them and then my Mom would make blackberry jam when we got home. Humidity. Yes I know that seems strange to miss but after living in an oven for half my life.
Public transportation that I could take into D.C.
The flavor of the East Coast.
The closeness of other states
Excellent Higher education

Sorry I was daydreaming about how I missed living in Maryland. In this economy I don't know if I could make that daydream a reality. However I am getting more and more frustrated living in the Southwest so I need to do something soon before I go completely beserk.

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