Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Well I haven't faxed in my paperwork for the Disney Program I want to apply to but I should hopefully do that tomorrow. It turns out that there was one more paper I needed so I'll have to print that out tomorrow and then I'll have everything I need.

Today was rather boring. I only had English 102 today and that was this morning so after that I went to the gym this afternoon and then I had nothing else to do. I wish I could find a part time job but I've had no luck with that and I've gone to the Counselling Office and they are no help. I don't like living in a town where I cant get a job. Theres really nothing here for me so its time for me to move methinks. Where to I don't know yet.

I've also decided that I want to become a Massage Therapist for starters. Now how I am not sure yet. It will probably be the community college route unless I get offered a scholarship to a Massage Therapy School because they are expensive. My current college does not offer a Massage Therapy Program so I'm looking around to see what other schools do.

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