Saturday, March 27, 2010

Semester at sea

I was talking to a friend of mine today and she told me that next Spring she is going to be doing a Semester at Sea through the University of Virginia. Out of curiosity I looked up the program and it looks really interesting. Now I think I would like to do this program too later on. However for a whole semester program the cost is quite expensive but the summer course is much more affordable. The regular semester program is $22,395 whereas the summer program is only $10,995. Hopefully I'll be able to get a scholarship or who knows some unknown rich relative of mine may die and leave me some money. I can hope.


Ritsuka said...

I'm planning to get a job in the fall to save money for living expenses for when I hope to go to Japan for a year of study abroad junior year. have you officially decided where you're going to be next year for school?

David said...

Yes its going to be Utah next year. I'm heading up there this May. If I can get a good job I'm going to stay up there though my Aunt already has some work lined up for me once I get there cleaning and painting her garage so I'll have something to do for money while looking for a job.

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