Thursday, December 25, 2008

I cant think of the name of the song right now but part of it goes along the lines of "I can escape this tonight, I'm stuck in this nightmare, somebody save me" I'll need to pull it off of youtube when I get flash to work on my laptop.

Looking back my parents have changed a lot from when I first entered High School. After 7th grade they transferred me from Benjamin Franklin Charter School to Heritage Academy which wasnt bad at first. Then in my first semester there I got stabbed in the back by people who I thought were my friends and I started noticing what a farce that school was. They would brainwash the students into believing that they were attending the best school in Arizona, The U.N. is evil, you were better prepared for life at college after you graduated, Bush's politics were for the better good, Obama is evil, ect... In 9th grade I had a critical thinking teacher who made the class interesting and I ended up with a high A in the class. So the next year I took yearbook. At the end of the semester she asked me to drop out of the class and told me I would get a high B or a low A since I was good about getting my assignments in on time but I was rather quiet and if I didnt like something I kept my mouth shut. When report cards came out at the end of the 1st semester I had a C- in that class barely passing by that schools "standards". She also taught 11th and 12th grade english so I had her again next year. I did all the work well and thought I would do well in the class. However I had started to suspect that she had her favorites and it became rather obvious at the end of the semester when several students who she treated better got higher grades even when they didnt even do a lot of the work or reading assignments. I got a C in that class and they got high B's and A's. Thankfully halfway through the second semester I moved so I finally got out of that school. If I could prove what she did there would probably be quite a few people who would not have graduated. But I cant do anything except rant about it since its too late to do anything about it. I noticed something about that school though. You get someone who is liked by everyone and if they dont like you the school will treat you like you do not exist until graduation even if that person leaves the school.

When I moved I didnt know what to expect after our Airline Fiasco caused by U.S. Airways. Then when I got to my new school and sat through my first English 11 class at AIS-R things started to look up. I was in a new open environment where I could express my opinions on a discussed topic without being looked down on. While my younger sibling go on and on about how they do not like AIS-R I openly admit that I like my new school. However most of my younger siblings have never been in a public school for more than 2 years or around the grades of Kindergarten, 1st grade, or 2nd grade. On the other hand I was in public elementary schools till 5th grade and I've taken classes at online school because I suck at math and I went to Evit for a summer course in Cullinary Arts because I was bored and had nothing to do and it looked fun. It was a blast and I got to meet all sorts of people and try all sorts of new things in cooking. Lifes looking up for me. :)

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