Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Life used to seem so simple....

When I first entered High School my life plan seemed so simple. Eventually I would graduate from that Hell Hole known as Heritage Academy and I would simply leave Arizona and move back East to Maryland with the money I had saved from working part time when I was old enough to get a part time job.

Things changed when I turned 15. I first applied for a job at Wal Mart pretty soon after I turned 15 and Wal Mart was pretty close by so I applied for a job there. I went through the first interview before finding out that due to a paperwork mistake on their part they thought I was 16 which was the reason they were interested in hiring me. After I told them I was actually 15 they explained that their company policy was that they could only hire someone who was 16 or older. So that was understandable that they had made an honest mistake and I moved on.

It turned out that a lot of places did not hire 15 year olds. However that Summer I managed to get a job at Sunsplash Water Park in Mesa. It was a bit of a drive but my Mother was willing to drive me since she was also working there but in a different department. She was working in Catering and I was working in Food Service at the Snackbar. That job had its good points and its bad points. My Manager was awesome and one of my Supervisors was awesome. My other Supervisor though (the one who was on duty when most of my shifts were) was a horrible hag. She often would disappear and then we would find her in the supply closet with some of the Lifeguards and Lifeguard Supervisors. She hated me and I hated her and she went out of her way in a attempt to make my life miserable from sending me home early claiming that I could only work a certain amount of hours during the week since I was 15 (I had just recently looked up Arizonas underage persons labor laws. There are no restrictions on 15 years old on how many hours you can work if school is not in session). Although my Manager was good she had a lot of other things to do with the Higher Up Powers that be and was often at meetings with other managers. So after that summer I quit a few weeks after school started. I have no intention of ever working there again.

So then I tried applying for jobs at other places. I managed to get an interview at a Harkins a couple of miles from my house (I was getting my license at this time so it would only be a few minutes drive to there) and the on the first interview the Manager liked me and she told me that I was hired but I would have to go through a second interview to get paperwork filled out. However I was hung out to dry by the second manager who promised to call me and never did. I had a friend working at the same theatre who managed to get me a number to call and I found out that the second manager had transferred to another theatre and that I had not been hired. I continued to apply for jobs at other places and had an interview at a place called Hot Dog On a Stick but no luck.

Then I moved to Saudi Arabia because my Dads permanent residency visa for his job had finally come through and we went to join him. So I managed to get out of Heritage and I transferred to my current school "The American International School in Riyadh" a.k.a. AIS-R which I am liking so much better than my previous school. Now I should hopefully be graduating this June. Things were looking up at the end of my Junior Year here. I was looking forward to returning back to the U.S. and living on the East Coast again. However with the current world economic status I will be starting college in Arizona since I have Arizona residency and I'm not sure if I would be able to get a job if I moved back East at this point. I am also unlikely to get scholarships or grants since Heritage screwed me over. I am considering writing a unsigned letter with no return address to my previous High Schools Principle to explain exactly how he is ruining the lives of many students who he forced to drop out of High School because he made them feel like complete faliures. I know of several people who dropped out of High School because of that school and now several years later their lives are just barely starting to look up. Although he didnt cause me to drop out I saw him ruin the lives of many. So now here I am a Senior in High School with no job (cant get one here), barely any money saved up, and unsure of what the future holds for me.

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