Sunday, December 14, 2008


12:30 in the morning and I dont feel like sleeping again. Anyways I went to the Dentist today and had a cavity filled. Although my Dentist is good and she knows what she is doing I still dont like going to the Dentist because I hate the smell of bone burning when they use those drills to drill the hole to fill. It really stinks and it tastes bad too since you taste it in the air while they are filling the cavity. And since my teeth are prone to cavities even though I do brush my teeth everyday I have to go back three more times to get cavities filled. However I think she messed up a bit today with the anesthetic because instead of just numbing the part of my mouth she needed to work on the anesthetic spread to part of my nose. So part of my nose was numb for a couple of hours.

Anyways I just watched a movie called St Trinians. I like to watch that occasionally. Anyways for those of you who havent heard of it, its a British movie that I do recommend you go and watch it.

My sleeping patterns have changed majorly since I got out for winter break. I sleep much longer than I usually would and go to bed at random times. For instance the other day I went to bed at 5 in the morning and didnt wake up till after 1 in the afternoon. Its going to be difficult to switch back to a normal pattern when school resumes in January. I wonder if life will be like this next year when I'm in college.

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