Monday, December 15, 2008

What has my life become?

What has my life become?
I sleep during the day and rise at night.
During my waking hours I live on the computer and internet.
Could it be because my friends are out of the country and I have nothing to do?

This reminds me of summer here.
Bored I turned to the internet and emailed often.
I remained stuck in Riyadh while everyone else left.
True I did not receive replies as often as I emailed but I did hear someone now and then.

I'm bored in life.
My family bores me I have no job and no money.
In school math depresses me and thus I do not do well in math.
English by far is my most favorite subject because of my English teacher.

These stanzas remind me of a staircase.
Arranged as a set of stair going downward to somewhere.
These days I dont know what to talk about so I write whatever comes to mind.

Sometimes its good and sometimes its bad.
Either way I'm not sad. Just depressed that I resort to this.
For something to do I spend way too much time online.
Then again its the only thing here to do since I cant work.


Ritsuka said...

yep it's my new blog. i'm trying to be a more positive person and my latest post was officially me burning my bridges with certain people; i can now say that i am truly vindicated.

i've written you a couple of letters, and i'll give them to my mother to mail and she'll always forget where she put them and then they go *paf* into oblivion. she's really been absentminded the last few months. i'm hoping it's just menopause or something and not anything more serious.

Ritsuka said...

i also forgot to mention that i didn't have a computer for awhile because my mother's exploded and then while she was using mine spilled coffee all over it. i had to wait forever for it to dry out and then take it apart and clean everything by hand, including the mouse and keyboard. so i'm really really sorry i haven't been able to reply to you :((((

i totally relate with the cavities thing. i am also really prone to them and i hate the sound of that drill worse than the feel of it *shiver*

that's funny about the mountain dew. i actually hate mountain dew. it's the nastiest stuff ever (next to tonic water). Coke Zero all the way, bay-bee!

where are you and your family going to be staying over winter break if you guys are coming here? and i'm jealous that you get like a whole month for winter vacation, lol.

David said...

I agree with you about the tonic water. ugh that stuff is nasty. anyways I kinda got addicted to Mountain Dew in 8th grade because it was the only thing that kept me awake during my art teachers lectures. She was a nice person but the lecture portion of her lessons was very boring. Anyways Caffine doesnt affect me anymore but I still like Mountain Dew and Regular Coke. Though I personally dont like the taste of coke zero. As a matter of fact my Dad and I got into an argument today at his companies christmas party. I went over to the drinks table and grabbed a coke and he told me to get a coke zero instead. I told him that I didnt like the taste. Later he apologized because he was thinking of Doctor Pepper at that time and apparently the Caffine Free version tastes the same. He forgot that Coke and Coke Zero do not taste the same. Unfortunately were not going to the states until this summer. You see my Dad gets a flight allowance every 6 months for our family and that was supposed to come at the end of November and it didnt. It still hasnt come yet and his boss is trying to find out why it hasnt. But we still need to leave the country since we have our exit visas and its either use them or pay a big fine. So were going to Bahrain. I'll send you some pictures when I get back. Were leaving on the 21st and we get back on Christmas eve. Oh have you been getting my postcards and letters. And how did your moms computer explode?

Ritsuka said...

yes I've been getting them and i've been writing them back but I always give them to my mother to drop in the postbox because it's right outside her work (she works at a bashas' that is literally a 5 minute walk down the street from our apartment complex) and she keeps forgetting to. that's why i said i'm hoping it's just menopause and not something more serious like alzheimer's. cause that would really suck.

i'm not really sure how it exploded. it didn't literally *explode* but something with the circuits stopped functioning properly because it would turn on but it wouldn't load beyond a certain screen. or it might actually have had to do with her operating system registry files, like if she had a virus and it effed with her core files or something.