Thursday, February 18, 2010


Lately I feel like I've been speaking to empty space. For example I'll comment on a friends blog but they never comment back on mine they just comment on their blog. So it just feels like all of my blog posts are going into empty space. I think the song Empty Space by Air Traffic is a appropriate description of my feeling of empty space.

I told my parents that I was going to transfer to Chandler Gilbert CC and my Dad tried to talk me out of it. Although I understand that he wants me to be around for my sister who next year will be going to the college (EAC) that I am currently at, I cant take it here. There is nothing here, no nightlife, and I can't get a job here. I need a life and I cant do just school. Thats why I am going to be attending Chandler Gilbert CC this fall. I've been interested in Massage Therapy for some time so I will be doing the Massage therapy program. Chandler Gilbert and Phoenix College are the two community colleges in Maricopa County that offer Massage Therapy. However thats not all I intend to do at Chandler Gilbert. I'm also going for an Associates Degree in General Studies to get all of those annoying prerequisite courses out of the way. I also intend to get an Associates Degree in History. That is just for starters. I'm sure there will be something else I want to major in but thats good for now. However once I finish the massage therapy program I will most likely move out of state to back East and take a a year off to become a resident and then register at a University out East. Preferably University of Maryland-College Park. I'm sure my parents will try to convince me to stay in Arizona (well my Dad would at least my mom would want me to move to Virginia where she's from. My Dads from Phoenix so he's a desert rat) but its time I fended for myself.

Also when I move back to the Gilbert-Mesa area I want to take lessons to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I want to go to a Motorcycle school so I can learn from professional instructors and also not have to go through DMV testing. However to afford this I need a job.

Looking back on myself I've changed a lot. I used to be rather religious (at least in the mormon faith) but I moved on and left their church and now I'm not religious at all. I have no problem with people who choose to belong to a faith or religion and practice it but for now its not for me. I'm not that small boy who got beat up at Benjamin Franklin Charter school and got accused in Junior High by a Kindergartener of beating him up when a jerk in a couple of my classes put him up to it. (Note: Chris White if you ever read this Fuck you, you were and always will be a jackass) I still do not know who I truly am and I feel that I will always be on a path of self discovery. I write to express myself, my feelings, my thoughts and emotions. I write to vent my frustration and anger and how pissed off I can be at certain things such as how jocks at my college can get away with pretty much anything yet I can't. That isnt right.

I cut my ties to my first High School because I was getting nowhere there. My parents wouldnt let me transfer and they wouldnt listen to me about the problems I had there. When my Dad got his job and we moved overseas it was a miracle to get out of that hellhole. Of course though the Principal at my second High School was worst than my first High School combined and with two other teachers that school wasnt just a hellhole, it was a lake filled with gasoline set on fire. When I came back to the states I enrolled in Primavera Online during my first semester of college. I took three classes from them to get my High School Diploma and this was a portion of High School that I actually enjoyed. My teachers actually cared about my opinions and if I had a question though we communicated electronically they were willing to answer my question. I took 7 habits for success, Character Education, and Government. The first two were elective credits because although I had taken classes through Primavera before because of issues with math I needed to take a certain amount of classes from Primavera before I could graduate. I needed government because my second high school did not require it but Primavera and the State of Arizona did. I finished my classes early though it did take them a while to send me my diploma once I got it, seeing my name on it was like a natural rush of happy juice flowed through me. The song "I'm walking on sunshine" immediately started playing in my head. Cheesy I know but I finally had my High School Diploma which took a huge amount of work to get having gone to three different High Schools. I wish my Parents had listened to me. If I had gone to a Mesa High School I could have graduated a year early easily. Or at Primavera I could have graduated a whole year early too. But I graduated a little later than I should have but I earned it and now I have my High School Diploma and I never have to take a High School Class again.

That saying I'm thinking teaching is in my future somewhere down the road either as a History Teacher in a Junior High or High School setting or a college setting or possibly teaching Elementary School. But first after I finish a Bachelors Degree I want to travel and work abroad for a while. There is so much out there that I want to see. I want to see all of Asia, South America, The Middle East, Europe, Africa, and go up to Canada so I can say I've been to all three North American Countries... Canada, the US, and Mexico. If I could teach abroad say ESL in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc., or teaching in International Schools or regular schools in countries I want to go to say The UK for example that would be something I think I would really enjoy.


Rachel said...

I'd listen to the song you posted, but my computer is on the brink of spazzing out, and I don't want to push it over the edge. For some reason, though, what you were saying made me think of the Dead Space version of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". xD

And I've been to Primavera before, and I wouldn't really mind finshing my classes there because they were somewhat enjoyable and simple. Not incredibly easy, but not impossible either. However, I my parents don't like online schools, so they made me transfer back to Westwood, and WW wouldn't take my credits at first. After a whole lot of fighting with them, they finally accepted them, but only as electives. So, I ended up having to retake all my basic courses, and having like 10 extra elective credits. And I just really don't want to deal with that again. Plus, I want to major in drawing, and ASU's requirements for that are pretty low. I don't even need a GED, I'm just doing it partly to look good, and partly because I want it.

Our main problem is just finances, really. I think we'd probably get accepted, but we may not have the money/financial aid that we need for that right now.

David said...

Wow Westwood gave you that much trouble over your credits. The school is a state charter school and it is accredited so under state law they have to accept all of your credits. Heres the passage that applies "I. If a pupil who was previously enrolled in a charter school or school district enrolls in a school district in this state, the school district shall accept credits earned by the pupil in courses or instructional programs at the charter school or school district. The governing board of a school district may adopt a policy concerning the application of transfer credits for the purpose of determining whether a credit earned by a pupil who was previously enrolled in a school district or charter school will be assigned as an elective or core credit." and heres the link to the full law

Rachel said...

What WW told me, at least, was that they were accredited, but in a different way than most schools will accept. And they did accept them eventually, they just took most of them as electives.

David said...

hmm I think WW is just being picky. I knew someone who went to Basha High who needed to make up an extra english credit because he was given an incomplete in his english class by his teacher for other reasons and he took it through primavera and they accepted it.

I was that good in high school math and I made up algebra 1 through primavera and my first high school (heritage academy) accepted the math credit with out a hitch.

Ritsuka said...

WW is retarded when it comes to credit acceptance, as I too found out.

And David, I didn't know that it upset you when I didn't comment back on your blog. It may just be me showcasing my incredible laziness, but in any case I will comment on your blog more often - just know that because I don't usually comment on it, doesn't mean I don't read it ^_^

David said...

don't worry it didn't really upset me I was just wondering if anyone was bothering to read my blog