Sunday, February 21, 2010


The thought occurred to me that most colleges and Universities do not offer a Bachelors Program in the Greek Language, let alone any greek language courses. Why is it that while they contributed so much to ideas of democracy, art, literature, science, philosophy, mathematics, and architecture their language is not offered as a course to take in College or University or to even be able to major in Greek Language. I googled US universities which offer a degree program in Greek language and only a handful of Universities showed up and they were all back east. The closest one to the west was at a University in Michigan. This is very puzzling to me when the greeks have contributed so much.


Ritsuka said...

ASU does offer a major in Greek, but most universities combine a major in both Latin and Greek under "Classical Languages" or some other name. Modern Greek is not particularly difficult (when given the right teacher, of course - you remember Mr. Phelps? Yeah.) so a lot of them combine it with Latin.

David said...

ok thanks that makes more sense than.