Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Its December!

Its December and with December comes all sorts of things. College Finals, Colder Weather, Travelling, Christmas, New Years, etc... Theres only 16 days till Christmas.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I finished my online classes

Well to finish my High School Diploma I enrolled at Primavera High School and I just finished. I am so ecstatic at the moment!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I've discovered a new hate

I hate rhetorical analysis essays

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Has it really been that long?

Last night I was up late catching up with a cousin I hadnt really talked to for year. It started when I was talking to his wife (my cousin in law) on facebook chat and then her husband (my cousin) started talking to me as well. The last time we had seen each other was at a relatives funeral 2 years ago and before that our Grandmothers funeral when I was in 5th or 6th grade. Now most of my cousins are years older than me because my Dad got married later in life than most of my Aunts so the cousin closest to my age is 2 years older than me and thats on my moms side. On my Dads side my cousins where teenagers when I was 6 so theres a bit of an age difference.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Music I listen to

Since I mention that I listen to arabic music often I thought I would give yall a taste of what I listen to. Hurray for youtube!

This first one is by a Lebanese Artist name Joseph Attieh. The song is called 7abayt 3ayounak (Pronounced "Hahbayta Younek")

The next one is by an Egyptian artist name Amr Diab (Pronounced "Amherr Diab") and the song is called El Allem Alla

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm thinking of moving...

I am thinking of moving within the next few months. I'll still be at EAC for the Spring Semester however I want to move out of Mark Allen Hall and either move into the Residence Towers or an Apartment across the street. The reason I want to move out of Mark Allen hall is that the football team lives on my floor and they are a loud bunch of jerks and they will not be quiet even when you ask them. So its like 200-300 bucks more for the towers per semester and if I can scrape that together I will see if I can move there. I am also feeling boxed in in this small town and cant wait till Thanksgiving to go to Mesa.

However also I want to leave Arizona and I might be doing that this summer. I am absolutely sick of Arizona and I need to get out of here soon. I've lived here far too long in my opinion and I also need to get out of the Southwest. Next semester I am either going to take medical billing or a nursing assistant course so I can easily get a job that would pay decently while I work my way through school.

Anyways I kinda want to move back to Maryland but its really expensive there so I would need to have a lot of money saved up before I moved and a job lined up there. I would eventually want to go to University of Maryland College Park.

I mailed in my stuff to Primavera High School and I hopefully will be able to start my online class through them on October 5th. I only need a goverment class to get a high school diploma so I am going to try to finish this class and pass it asap. Then I would finally have my high school diploma. I should have gotten it from my last High School but my Principal was a jerk and decided at the last minute that I wasnt graduating. So its time to move on and I will be finishing through Primavera Online High School. This shouldnt be too hard to finish.

A friend of mine introduced me to some more arab artists Ramy Ayash and Joseph Attieh. Go look them up on youtube they are worth listening to.

No luck in the part time job department at the moment and all positions at school are filled so I am still looking.

I had two essays due this week. One in English 101 and the other in U.S. History 101. Ugh they were a pain to do. And I have a test tommorrow in U.S. History... Double ugh. It shouldnt be too bad though as the instructor says its multiple choice.

I just spent the last three hours walking. I decided to take a walk after dinner and I just lost track of time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

I like Pandora

Ok so before class starts while everyone is still coming in my professor for U.S. History always has some Beethoven playing on his computer through the internet radio service I wrote down the website this morning and now I am on it while writing this. Its awesome. It doesnt seem like they have much in the way in Foreign Artists (well Arab artists are the only foreign artists I have tried so far) but they do have a lot of american bands such as The All American Rejects. Basically you go on and type in a Band or a Song and it searches for it and if they have it you can listen to it. And the best part of it all is that its free!

Right now I am just a general studies major but I am seriously considering also doing a major in World History. Why you may ask? I am good at History and I enjoy it to an extent. One of these days I need to sit down with a Guidance Counseler and see what classes I would need to take to get an Associates Degree in History. I plan on also getting an Associates Degree in General Studies so when I transfer to a University I wont have to take "Core Classes" again after I've already taken them. But then again there are so many things I could major in that it could take me years to get out of school if I pursued Bachelors Degrees in all these areas.

Ugh.... You know those caffine withdrawel headaches you get if you drink caffinated drinks and then dont drink any caffiene for a few days? Well a couple of weeks ago I gave up drinking soda because I am trying to lose weight and all that sugar that soda has wasnt helping with my weight loss goals. So I switched to drinking water. Well tonight I decided to get a soda and I ended up getting something with caffiene in it and I am getting the caffiene withdrawel headache while drinking it. Ugh...

So I went to Wal Mart yesterday and noticed they still had some back to school sales going on so I went over to the back to school section and noticed they had bath towels on sale. Now I had already gotten one on sale at this Wal Mart for three bucks. Not a bad deal right? Well they still had the same matching towels on sale for three bucks apiece there so I ended up getting two more.

Math class was cancelled today because my math teacher was sick and didnt come to school today so I only had U.S. History in the morning and then I was free. I had finally gotten some money to put on my laundry card. My school for the washers and dryers uses a card similar to a debit card where it has a chip on it and then you insert the card into the machine and it deducts the cost of the wash or dry (75 cents). You put money on it by going to a machine near the residence life offices and putting the card in the machine and either swiping your debit or credit card or putting cash on it by slipping a 5, 10, or 20 dollar bill into the bill acceptor. My debit card got here finally so I was able to put some money on my laundry card and do my laundry. So I got all of that done so I have clean clothes to wear! Now I need to find a part time job so I am not always broke. My parents give me a little money each month but it all goes towards school stuff such as my laundry. So if I want spending money I need to find a part time job and I am not having much luck with that. All campus jobs at this point are taken and I've been trying since before school started. Oh well I will just have to keep looking.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I'm still surprised at myself for this but I miss Riyadh. We had a love hate relationship while I was living there but not that I'm back in the states I miss this amazing city. Yes I know there wasnt much to do there except go to the malls or stores and shop but the city was huge. Now I'm going to school in a small town in Arizona and I'm still going through reverse culture shock... That hasnt stopped me from listening to Arabic Music though. Amr Diab all the way.

Dont get me wrong I like the area I'm living in. Its very nice though its a small town. I think the weather was better than Riyadh. Like the day after I got here it rained on and off for the next few days. And yesterday it only got up to a 100 degrees farenheight. Yeah I know I'm used to the Centigrade Scale so I'm having trouble switching back from that and the Metric Scale.

The thing about Riyadh is that there were so many people from so many different cultures it was very muticultural. I was a minority there as a tall white guy from the U.S. too so it got interesting seeing mostly Philipinos there (one quarter of Saudi Arabias population is from the Phillipines). Although there was no public transportation there like busses there were cars and private taxis. I still am amazed at how orderly driving is here. There everyone drives insanely but if theres an accident they are usually pretty calm about it and they know what to do. Call the police to report the accident, exchange insurance information, and if they are going to work call their employers to let them know that they will either be late or not be able to come into work at all. To them a good accident is one where everyone walks away fine from the accident no matter how much damage there is to the cars. But honestly some people drive their cars like they are camels being herded. You wouldnt believe some of the tight spaces they can drive in.

so I've made a list about the things I like about Riyadh

Huge Multicultural City
Clock Tower and various Souqs
Food from all over the place
Cheap gas (you can fill a suburban up for about 10 bucks)
how friendly everyone usually is (though you do get some grouchy people everywhere)
saudi diamonds (not actual diamonds per say, you can find these in the desert)
meeting someone from pretty much everywhere with the exception of israel

how hot it is
rude expats usually from the uk (you dont meet these people often but when you do they ruin your day)
no pork products or alcohol allowed (now I am not a drinker like some people but I did like the occasional ham sandwich)
stores closing five times a day for prayers
standing by a coffee shop right as prayers are almost over (you do not want to stand between these women and their coffee)
the sky usually was dusty even at night so you usually couldnt see the stars
how indians and philipinos were usually treated

and heres the list about the things I like or dislike about Thatcher

Very green area.
My school is here.
People are usually pretty friendly here.
Its well outside the Phoenix area

The distance to Phoenix or Tuscon
Not that many grocery stores here
I dont know very many people here.
EAC doesnt offer any languages besides French or Spanish because they cant find teachers for other languages.
My family doesnt live here so I do get a bit homesick occasionally. However with school having now started I've been busy with schoolwork so I usually dont have time to think about it.

Well those are my two lists.

Now for an update on my week.
Classes started Monday and in Monday and Tuesday classes we went through the receiving of the standard sylabi and were let known what kind of books and supplies we would need. I met an Egyptian Girl in my French Class so we were talking about Saudi and Egypt. That was interesting. She actually graduated from High School last year but she took a year off so she could go see her Dad (parents are divorced) who lives in Egypt and her family who lives there.
For classes I am taking
English 101
Conversational French
Basic Math
and U.S. History 1.

I was surprised last week when I ran into Joe Gonfel. He's also a student at EAC now and we are in the same English 101 class. And Bonnie Bodine goes here as well. Crazy times people.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The first day of classes

Well my first day of classes went pretty well. At 9 to 9:50 I had conversational french where my professor went over the sylabus and then we all introduced ourselves. Apparently not a lot of people sign up for conversational french so they combine the conversational french class with the French 101 class. So we are going to be using the same textbook which will be nice if I decided to take French 101. Then she gave us this packet to read over that gave little things such as how to pronounce the alphabet in french and she went over it with us by pronouncing each letter and then having us say it after she said it. Then we ran out of time so class was over.

From 11 to 11:50 I had U.S. History 1. It was ok but I am looking forward to actually getting started in the class. The professor just went over the rules and read us part of the sylabus and told us we could read the rest of it online.

Then I went and had lunch and then I went in for a job interview as a stage hand with the drama department. That went really well as all I had to do was fill out an application and the head of the drama department was telling me about what the job entails. I'll find out tonight if I get the job. I think I have a good chance because I have some experience in this from taking stagecraft in high school so we will see what happens.

At three I had math.... You know those teachers that drone on because they have been teaching in their professions for so long? Well thats what my math teachers like. However I am going to stick it out for the semester as I dont know what he is really like just after one day in class with him. However sinces its a 4 credit class I have it every day from 3 to 3:50 p.m.

I called my bank today to see why my debit card hadnt arrived so they said I should receive it within 3 to five business days. I need is asap so I can order my books online and since I have no other way to access money at the moment because my bank doesnt have a branch down here in the Thatcher/Safford area. Such is life. However it had better come soon or I will be making a angry phone call to my bank to find out what exactly is there problem.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I now live in Thatcher/Safford!

As the title indicates I am now a registered student at Eastern Arizona College residing in the dorms on campus. So far its been interesting. I've met a couple of people I knew from when I went to school in Mesa and my roomate just moved in today. Hes pretty nice though I havent had much of a chance to talk to him since he had to go to orientation today. I moved in yesterday and attended orientation yesterday so now I am currently in the process of trying to find my camera. Ugh... I know its somewhere I just cant figure out if I left it at my friends house in Gilbert or if its concealed somehow somewhere in my dorm room. I just went through my wardrobe and havent been able to find it yet. I know I brought it with me from Riyadh and while unpacking I found my camera cable just not the camera yet. Hopefully it will turn up soon. I would hate to have to get a new one because this camera was a Christmas gift to me several years ago and I've enjoyed using it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Entre Vou

An update on life huh? Well lets see...

I've moved back from Riyadh to Arizona... to coming during the middle of monsoon season and since Saudi is very dry the humidity was very surprising. So far I have not suffered from jet lag. Maybe thats because in Riyadh I had a habit of staying up all night and sleeping during the day.

I got my Dads truck... Unfortunately its stickshift and I never really learned how to drive stick. However I am learning and doing ok. However the registration expired last year so I need to get it checked out before I take it in for emissions testing. And I'll need to get my license updated since I am now 18.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


One of these days I will get this blog of mine off the ground and start posting more than a couple sentences. Until then bleh.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

t minus 4

and counting till I turn 18!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Only 7 more days...

Till I am no longer a minor! And on the 11th I fly on a plane by myself for the first time. Now I just need to figure out if I do my draft registration here (The Embassy here is not being helpful) or if I should just wait till I get back to the states to do it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm coming back to Arizona...

At least for a year. My Dad encouraged me to try EAC for a year because its still cheaper than paying out of state tuition. So I'll give it a shot for a year.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Where to move...

When I move back to the states I have a couple of options. It looks like I wont be moving back to the states when I expected due to a flight allowance issue. However when I go back to the states I really dont want to move back to Arizona because I hate the state and I'm sick of weather similar to the inside of an oven. I know everyone talks about the amount of sunshine Arizona gets and yes that can be nice but if its going to be as hot as Arizona is I can do without it.

So now I've got two maybe three viable other alternatives to Arizona. They are...
and Virginia

With Utah I have an Aunt who lives there so I could stay with her and not have to worry about rent. Much better weather there plus it snows which has been something I've missed for years.

Marylands got University of Maryland-College Park. A good university and its been one I've been interested in for years. I was born in Maryland and lived there till I was nine when I moved to Arizona. Close to D.C. and theres Public Transportation so I really wouldnt need a car much plus I can take a train into D.C. if I want to. Rents a bit pricey for a room and craigslist listings are a bit difficult to navigate for Maryland. I wish they would organize Maryland by counties on craigslist to make it easier to navigate because it is difficult to figure out the rent range for the three counties I am interested in which are Prince Georges County, Anne Arundel County, and Montgomery County. I grew up in Anne Arundel County but I am most interested in Prince Georges County in the College Park area. It would probably be easier if I were to fly into Maryland and get a newspaper with rental listings and then look for roomates.

and finally Virginia...

My Moms from Virginia and her whole family lives there with one exception of an Aunt who lives in North Carolina teaching at DOD schools. I have an Aunt from my Dads side of the family who lives in Virginia as well. So I could probably stay with a relative for a little while while finding a job and whatnot but still its less likely than Utah where my Aunt has physically said that I welcome to come and live with her if I were to move to Utah. Virginias nice but I am not sure if its for me at the moment.

Even if I end up in Arizona I still have to move out of my parents house because they'll still be living in Riyadh so I need to find a job either way to pay for rent and everything. I also want to learn how to ride a motorcycle when I get back to the states because its something I've been wanting to do for a while.

After some thought I have decided to include Colorado and Florida on this list as well. I could probably get a job at a Ski Resort in Colorado though the season doesnt start till November so I would be hanging around in Az for a while which wouldnt be too bad. With Florida I dont know about jobs these days though.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I graduate in 5 days

Well I will probably get my diploma a few days after I graduate since I'm still waiting for the test from the math course I took online to get here but I should still graduate this summer. It looks like I will be taking the second semester of Algebra 2 online as well because my math teacher did not cover what was on the final exam and out of the three seniors that took it the highest grade was a D. I got a 35%. I had a 58 in the class before I took the test and now it went down to a 52 or 53. So I am going to go through past tests to see if there were any mistakes that could raise my grade but I'm not really sure what to look for. So it will most likely be another online class since my math teacher doesnt give a shit about his math classes. Most of us have really low grades in the class and he doesnt give a rats ass about us as long as he gets paid. Him and my principal should be fired because all they do is sit around on their lazy asses and collect their paychecks. One of these days I will get back at my principal for ruining my senior year.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

to my friends who are graduating tonight and in the next few weeks...

congratulations and sorry I could be at your guy's graduations. I graduate on June 10th and I wont be leaving Saudi till around July 8th. Hopefully we can hang out this summer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I hate hot weather...

I really despise it. Now I dont mind warm weather such as in the 90's and low 90's but when its over 110 degrees I absolutely despise it. First of all I feel like I'm in an Oven because its so dry and hot here when it gets hot here. And I get sick in hot weather. Today I had P.E. last hour outside on one of the fields with no shade since were doing a golf unit and we were practicing driving swings today. So when I got on the bus after getting out of school I felt really sick. Now a few hours later I've recovered after eating some food and drinking a lot of cold water but I'm not looking forward to P.E. if the weather is going to be like this.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

If any of you have skype...

email me with your username and we can call each other.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I thought we needed some music

Now Breaking Benjamin never made a music video for the song "Dance with the devil" but someone on youtube did and I have to say its not bad.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I dont know what to do...

There is a very big possibility that I will not graduate due to a credit issue between my current school and my last school. All I am lacking is a math credit. My current school requires 25 credits to graduate whereas my last school required 21-22 credits to graduate. At the end of this semester I will have 24. I dont have time to take an online class and I cant take it through Mesa Distance or Primavera since I am not living in Arizona at the moment. My school is picky so I would have to take it through a Online University Course. At the moment I am taking the first semester of Algebra 2 through BYU online and I believe I can pass that but I need to finish it. So if I pass that I would have 24.5 credits and then there is a .5 credit in question. I am taking the second semester of Algebra 2 but so far my teacher has managed to make me very confused by saying one thing one day and then saying another thing the next class.I have a tutor which helps a lot more than when I didnt have one last semester. My principal is no help and my parents cant really do anything for me. Though they have informed me that they will not be paying for EAC if I dont graduate. They were only willing to pay for EAC if I did graduate and now thats in question. I am really confused about this. I dont know if I would be able to take a summer school course this summer since I would be moving back to the U.S. and I dont know if I would be able to finish it in time. So basically I am stuck. And if I dont get my diploma I am basically screwed since my parents cant help me and this means a high chance of homelessness. I am so confused right now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm thinking...

About joining the navy after a year of college. I've been talking to the recruiters via email and although the Navy does have strict rules and standards I think I could live with it for four years. The benefits in my opinion are outweighing the downsides.
The Benefits
Free Housing/food
Free Insurance
Free Medical/Dental
Monthly Salary
Paid Traveling
All classes taken while in the military are free
Money for college through the G.I. Bill after I get out of the military
Military Service looks good on a resume with an honorable discharge.
Job security
Paid job training

The downsides
A strict dress code
Strict Rules about curfews and such
Being away from friends and family for extended periods of time (well I would already be away from my family for an extended period of time since they'll still be living in a different country when I'm in college)
The militarys not like a regular job where I could just quit I have to stay in for a minimum of four years depending on what kind of service agreement I get.

However there are upsides and downsides to everything and well see what happens after a year of college.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Break

Well I am now on Spring Break. I only get one week because we had such a long winter break. And we still get out of school in July. So for most people Spring Break means going somewhere, drinking and heavy partying. Not for me. For me it means studying math and doing math assignments. I am basically stuck having to teach myself Algebra 2 since I am not understanding my math teacher and he doesnt like questions so thats no help. However it is nice to not have to get up early in the morning and stay up at night without having to worry about getting up in time the next morning to catch the school bus.

I sent you another letter last night Kelly. I hope you get it soon. In fact I hope to hear from you soon. By the way I am definetly going to EAC for my Freshman year. I'm not sure what I want to major in though so I dont think I'll be declaring a major my Freshman year. I may just do an Associates in General studies which takes care of all the prerequisite courses most schools require. If I get that it would be pretty easy to transfer to a University to finish a degree.

We've had some weird weather here recently. On March 10th we had the biggest sandstorm anyone who's lived here for years have seen. Theres videos all over youtube of it. Then for the past few weeks we've occasionally had rain. Then on Thursday and Friday we had rain on and off all day and pretty late at night. We even had lightining which knocked out the internet service for the past few days since we use a satelite service. Now its working fortunately and we have clear skys today instead of ones full of dust! And last night around midnight I went outside and I could actually see stars. I dont know how long its been since I could actually see stars here since the skies are usually full of dust. Luckily we had enough rain that it washed the dust out of the skies long enough for me to be able to look up at the stars. I enjoy doing that. I'm not interested in Astronomy per say but I do enjoy looking up at stars on late nights. Thats one thing I havent been able to do very often here.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Its now April

On the 6th it will officially be 4 more months till I turn 18. Hell Yeah.

I am now on Spring Break.... its about time. I'm not going anywhere but I have math stuff I need to do if I want to graduate... on time.

I leave Saudi this July permanetly and then a few weeks later I get left on my own when I'm still 17.

I have some plans for when I turn 18 but well see what happens then. Many of them depend on money.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I turn 18 in about 4 months

I'm excited because I turn 18 in about 4 months. Then I wont have to worry about having my parents signing for me for everything.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Last night I was walking down the street and I felt like being loopy for no reason. I dont think anyone saw me walking weird but the thought of how I must have looked makes me laugh.

Anyways apart from that I now have a tutor and and doing much better in math.

My school is doing the Musical "grease" and tomorrow (Tuesday) I am going to go see it. Its going to be interesting since my sister is in it as the Waitress and the Ditzy school Secretary.

I'd love to hear from my friends once in a while. *Hint Hint*

Friday, February 27, 2009

You know you're addicted to anime when...

Still in the process of finding myself. However I found this list to be perfect when describing my addiction to anime so I thought I would post it. And the picture on the left is an example of what my dorm room may look like a couple of months after I move in.

You call your dog Shinji.

You perform a canon ball dive into a pool while yelling “Spirit Bomb!”

Your house has an anime room.

You and your friends flash peace signs and take girlish poses when you are

You get an anime tattoo, even though you’re scared of needles.

Your walls are covered in wall scrolls and posters from your favourite series.

If you use the term ‘Kawaii’ for describing everything.

You try to convince your girlfriend that ‘cat ears’ and ‘tail’ really looks good on them.

You can sing songs from your favourite shows, in Japanese, even though you don’t speak Japanese…

You spent hours looking through your library for a copy of “The Universe of Four Gods”.

You have legally changed your name to that of your favourite character.

You wear a necklace and fall down every time someone says sit boy.

You insist on having an entrance that includes spotlights, music, and raining cherry blossoms (while you hold a rose if you’re a guy).

Your only dream is to attend Tokyo U with a girl you haven’t seen in 15 years.

You play an instrument and you nick name it Inuyasha.

For valentines day you buy a stuffed dog and make up your own Japanese name for it.

If you get mad at you teacher and draw a picture of her as an anime demon cat.

You watch Iron Chef constantly to pick up great recipes (haven’t done it but plan to).

You’ve bought a £20 ring in the shaped of a dragon to show off at school.

You always have your hair covering your left eye and always flipping it so you look like an anime character.

You think that falling flat on your back with your legs in the air is a normal reaction to big news.

You are worried because you don’t have several desirable members of the opposite sex frantically trying to make you fall in love with them.

You shave a crescent moon onto your cats head, dye the cat purple, then take it to school and insist it’s Luna, your talking cat.

You go around town trying to eat donuts and act all crazy-like, all the while saying you’re Vash the Stampede.

To resolve a conflict, you insist in a duel.

The employees at Gamestop know you, and tell you when you walk in if they’ve gotten a new shipment of anime DVDs.

You’ve gotten angry with someone and placed two fingers on your forehead shouted the word “Makanekasopo!” (Special beam cannon or light of death) and then poked them in the eye.

You waste countless amounts of hair gel to get that “Goku look”.

You map out points in Tokyo where the Dragons of Earth might attack

You believe it is possible for a person to be severely beaten in the head with a large hammer, stick, etc…And still come out alive.

You have a moment of confusion whenever you go to school because there are no girls in those tiny little skirts that come with their school uniform.

You yell out ‘Baka hanyou Inu-Yasha!’ at your birthday party and everyone (except your parents) knows you’re talking to your boyfriend.

You tell your parents you need to stay out past curfew to save the colonies.

Each time you see a stray animal, you turn your hat sideways and throw one of those plastic Pokeballs Burger King was giving out in their kids’ meals yelling, “POKEBALL, GO!”

You add “no da” to the end of all statements you make.

The majority of your CDs are Japanese or the English version of a Japanese soundtrack or the English soundtrack of an anime that just decided that it would use English in its songs.

You misplace your manga and someone at school you don’t even know gives it to you saying they knew it was yours.

You incorporate Japanese, somehow, into every class.

You can sing songs from your favourite shows, in Japanese, even though you don’t speak Japanese…

You use random Japanese words such as baka, kawaii, and hentai.

You try to read every book from right to left.

You take a break from watching anime to go to your computer (nicknamed Lord Conti) to download anime (for previewing purposes only! ;) ), while visiting your favourite anime forum, while listening to Japanese web radio…

You call your parents Oka-san and Otou-san.

You say “ITADAKIMASU!!” before you eat your meals.

You think that locket your boyfriend gave you will turn you into a magical girl.

You’ll risk grounding to get a good new fanfic.

You constantly say “w00p” after almost every sentence.

You insist on chopsticks for everyday use.

Your bookshelf is filled with anime boxed sets and no books.

You stop listening to the radio because English makes no sense to you anymore and it’s your first spoken language.

You call yourself “otaku.”

All of your family portraits have been altered to the proper super large eye size.

Random battles seem to erupt wherever you go.

You take the time to write messages on your cigarettes, only to burn them right away.

Your dreams are animated.

You naru punch all the guys at school, and then wonder why they don’t follow you around like keitaro follows naru.

You hold your eyes really wide all day trying to make them stay big.

Duct tape is really funny to you and most of your threats involve taping people to walls.

When you’re washing dishes you yell out “SUPAH WAVE SMASHUH!” or any water attack.

You run out of space on your computer because the hard drive is taken up by hundreds of anime pics, mp3s, midis, and music videos.

You spend all night trying to figure out how many people you can get to go in with you on buying the complete collection of Sailor Moon episodes in Japanese.

You spend your whole spring break working on an anime webpage.

You expect to see a teardrop over someone’s head when they get embarrassed.

You start to speak with an odd accent.

You can watch two anime shows in the same room at the same time and still have the TV off.

You know your favourite character’s blood type.

Knowing Sailor Moon helps you on an Astronomy test.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to anime.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trying to find myself...

I could be off blogspot for a while. So if I dont post for a while please dont think I'm dead, I'm just caught between things and I need to find myself before I go insane.

Friday, January 30, 2009

One semester down.

One more to go till graduation. I believe I will pass Algebra 2 with a couple of mistakes I noticed in my grades that need to be fixed. So I'll need to scan those in and email them to my teacher tonight so he can fix them tommorrow during teachers inservice day since we dont have school.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm moving...

Summer of 2010. I know thats not as soon as I was hoping but at the moment I have no job and very little money so I wouldnt have enough to move this coming Summer to back East. So I'm going to do my Freshman year at EAC and try to save enough money working while I'm at EAC. I'm hoping to be able to get a work study job even though they dont pay much. But its a job and it would pay some money. So Kelly do you want to come with me when I escape Arizona or do you have other plans? I'm not really sure where I'm going to back East but it could be Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Georgia, or Florida. I just want to escape the Southwest to a place I'm more familiar with. I miss seeing rain (often) and snow during the winter. I also miss having the beach a short drive away. I know Arizonas next to California but its still a 6-8 hour drive depending on which part of Southern California you go to. I miss having the beach being anywhere from a few minutes to a 2 hour drive. So I'm ready to escape and I hope to be able to do it in the Summer of 2010. Do you want to come with me Kelly?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Why is it always math....

.... that I have problems in? I know that I'm not good in math but why is it always with math that I come close to failing. My 1st semester algebra 2 exam is this coming week and I'm studying like crazy and am in the process of making the sheet of notes that I am allowed to use on the exam. At this point my grade in Algebra 2 is slightly below a D so its not that good but all I'm concerned about at this point is passing the class so I can graduate. I'm doing fine in my other classes but its always math that gives me trouble. So excuse me I'm off to check my Algebra 2 grades to see if there are any mistakes that I can tell that would raise my grade if I got them fixed. And I also need to do some more studying. So I'll probably update this coming week after my Algebra 2 and Chemistry exams.

However I fortunately only have 4 exams. They are Algebra 2, College Reading and Writing (this is going to be an easy one since we are just going to analyze an essay), Psychology (this also should be easy), and Chemistry.

In English my teacher gave the class a test before the break which he decided to count as the exam. I got a 92% on that which was the highest grade in the class. Thats the second time in a row I've gotten the highest test grade in the class and both times I got A's on the tests.

For media broadcasting I just have to do a final video project in class which is on the Musical "Grease" which my school is doing this semester so me and my partner who is the reporter (I'm cameraman this time) have to interview people who are in the musical.

I dont have a written exam for P.E. and knowing my P.E. teacher were probably just going to be playing outdoor games during class to help relieve some stress from exams.

For Public Speaking we did a debate which counts for our final. I suck at debating and I got a 72% which is still better than a F plus I hate the class. Not the students or the teacher but just the subject and the way its taught.

I got my Senior Sweater today. Its nice. Now I need to save up because I dont know how much a class ring is going to cost because they arent unsure at the moment and I need to save up some money in case I'm able to go on the trip to Sharm El Sheikh Egypt. Its the Senior trip but its not organized by the school so well see what happens. I found out that there will be no adults there so we get to chaperone ourselves. It sounds like a lot of fun and I want to go.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I finished my service learning hours requirement!

Well I finished my service learning hours graduation requirement. Basically its community service. My p.e. teacher who I needed to sign the form I had to fill out because I helped out with the school soccer tournament saying I had been there for a certain amount of time signed it and turned it in to the woman in charge of Service learning and I.B. Well I dont need to worry about anything I.B. since I'm not in the I.B. program not even the certificates. Oh well. So now I've got that graduation requirement finished.

Today all the Seniors had a meeting during lunch talking about raising money for Graduation, Senior Class Portraits, a possible class ring and all that stuff. We've already done the robe fitting since the school supplies them and we dont have to buy them. Basically they have a closet with a lot of grad robes (ours are blue) and you find one that fits you and is long enough so it doesnt look bad and not so long so you dont trip when going up on stage. Then when you find one they give you a name tag with your name and homeroom on it and you hang it back up. I suppose we wont see them till Senior Portrait or Graduation so its going to be a while. I honestly cannot wait to graduate. I just want this to be over so I can move on with life. Dont get me wrong I like my current High School its just that I'm getting bored and am having Senioritis. I'm looking forward to being a college freshman next year.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Spreading my wings....

I am a bird.
Perched and stretching ready to spread my wings.
I want to fly and soar and glide through the sky.
To feel the wind on my face and wings.
And to be free.
In reality you may know me as
a High School Senior
with Graduation a few months away.
Thinking god dammit High School sucks when you're a Senior.
You know it is inevitable but you are still waiting.
To spread my wings and be free.

I like my current High School but I also cannot wait to graduate. My cousin was right when he warned me that your Senior Year of High School is the worst since its your last year of High School and you know you will be graduating soon and you are really just waiting for time.

Well last Wednesday I helped out with my schools soccer tournament. I think the Jv and the Varsity team won a game each so Go Eagles! So now I should have all the community service hours I needed since I only needed 4.5 more and I was helping from 11 a.m. (I got to ditch afternoon classes!) to 4:30 p.m. Now I just need to fill out the paper and have my P.E. teacher who was supervising the tournaments sign the paper so its considered "verified." However I also managed to get my face sunburned. In the winter. And it was really windy and cold that day as a result of the wind. Now since I was wearing a jacket and jeans only my face got sunburned and as a result I've got a pink face at the moment which looks like I scrubbed a layer of skin off. Now well see how long it takes for this to go away. I'm one of those people who does not tan but burns very easily. So I normally have very white skin except when I burn. In which case its either pink or red depending on how bad the sunburn is.

But this is mild compared to when I worked at Sunsplash 2 years ago and one day I ended up having to stand outside checking wristbands by the slides near the castles for over 4 hours (during the Arizona summer in 115 degree (f) heat) with no shade and no breaks until one of the lifeguards noticed that I had been there for a long time without a break and sent me back to the Snackbar. Apparently I looked like a lobster according to my Mom who was working there and her friend Carolina. The thing is when I had started my shift that morning I was checking bags out front with some of the people from the Ice Cream Shop who needed some more help so they asked my boss for some people from snack bar and I ended up out there. You might wonder how I ended up by the Castle. Well while I was helping out the Ice Cream Shop people the owner of the park came over and grabbed me and stuck me out by the slides. But he did this without telling my boss so she was wondering where I had been for hours since the Ice Cream Shop people didnt know what the owner had done with me. So over 4 hours later when I stumbled into the snack bar Carolina was the first to see me took one look at me and had me sit down on a cooler. Then my mom saw me and I told her what had happened. I got a lot of respect from my boss that day after she heard what happened. She had assumed that I was ditching work and just avoiding doing anything until she heard what had happened to me. The thing is, is that the owner had forgotten that he had put me there since he had gone off to do something else. It took several weeks for me to heal from that sunburn. Thank god for Aloe Vera Sunburn Lotion. That stuff felt so good.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Update on life

I've got the song "Beijing Welcomes You" (the mandarin version) stuck in my head. For those of you who dont know what the song is it was part of Chinas "One world one dream" theme for them hosting the Olympics this past August. Anyways as for an update on my life? Well school started on Sunday and tommorrow (Wednesday) is the weekend and last day of school for the week. Now the Wednesday after this one is a half day and I'm helping out with the school Soccer Tournament to get the last of my service hours. I need to remember to bring a hat, a waterbottle, and some sunglasses if I can find them. Now its been rather chilly (below 40 degrees f at night) this week but I dont know what it will be like next week so it cant hurt to be safe. Plus since I'm doing security I'll be out on the soccer fields all afternoon. I start at 11:30 in the morning and finish up at about 4:30 in the afternoon so well see if its a nice day. Well I need to go do some research for a debate topic on if students should be able to grade their teachers for public speaking class so bye for now.