Friday, September 17, 2010


So I might be moving out in a few weeks because as much as I love my Aunt she is turning into a Mother and then tonight she said she will be becoming a parent because she feels that mentoring isn't working with us and its getting pretty bad already. So I just got hired at Walmart (full time with benefits pushing carts!) so I will have income and after 90 days of working at Walmart I get an employee discount card which will help and after 6 months I get the full walmart employee health insurance plan which apparently includes dental. Its time for me to move out. And I might be moving back to Thatcher next summer because strange as it sounds I am starting to miss Thatcher and I could finish my Associates Degree fairly easily there and I could transfer to the Walmart in town (if they have any positions open) after working for 6 months at the Walmart here. So I think its time for me to move out.