Monday, December 3, 2012



For years I’ve watched in silence,
 as you rip you heart out each day, 
in relationships that fade. 
As quietly as a breeze, 
I observed, day by day, 
knowing we can never be more than friends. 
I comfort you when you are down, 
you ignore me till you are down and then I’m the one you call. 
The tall quiet one. 
But eventually relationships fade, 
and like a breeze I blow away...

Friday, October 12, 2012

I need to work up the courage to ask my boss for more hours as opposed to her cutting my hours.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Building a new life for myself

I've decided that its time to start somewhere new where I do not know anyone and build a new life for myself. I have to live near the ocean because I really need that in my life again so it has to be the Coastal Western US or the Coastal Eastern US. I am so out of the Southwest late this coming Spring or early into Summer. Edit: Well I had a job interview at a place here in Utah on Monday and I got a callback from them today, saying that they wanted me to come in for another interview on Saturday. I will take that as a good sign that things are finally working out for me. I think I have figured out where I want to move to but to make it happen, I need to get this job that I have a second interview for, save up either enough for a large car downpayment or enough to buy a decent used car in cash, save up enough to have money for moving and first and last months rent and deposits and whatnot, pay off some bills here and get things straightened out so I can move, get rid of stuff so I only have a few things to take with me when I move. I need to get out of here by late spring or early summer so lets make this happen!

Friday, August 17, 2012


I bid thee adieu childhood friend. I doubt you will ever read this but thank you for everything. We grew up in the same neighborhood back East, two houses down from Each other and our backyards touched each others, Remember those days we climbed the fence and stood at the top to talk to each other. Playing in the sandbox, making sandcastles and being carefree little kids. Our birthdays being within a few weeks of each other, riding bikes together, snowball fights, sledding down the big hill near our houses, I remember all of that fondly. We both moved out of state around the same time, you to Taiwan, and me to Arizona.... Years passed, you found me on myspace early in High School. We reconnected briefly and then all communication dropped. We later connected again briefly on facebook several years later. I came to your mission farewell and surprised you and your family. It was clear at that point while it was nice to see each other again, we could never again be best friends, rather we would remain acquaintances who were childhood best friends. I see on facebook that you are back from your mission and are back in town and apparently now engaged. I say congratulations to you and I bid thee adieu and good luck my childhood friend. Thanks for the memories. Currently listening: Fall out Boy- Thanks for the Memories

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I am so confused right now

I am so confused about life right now. Being unemployed has given me a ton of timebto think about what I want to do in life and quite honestly I don't know what I want to do anymore. With everything thats been going on in my life the past few months from family drama, to being unemployed and worrying about how Im going to make ends meet, it's made me loose track of what I want for myself. For a while I wanted to be a nurse, a massage therapist, a chiropractor, a teacher abd now I don't know what I want to be. I also found out that my best friend is moving back to Boise in January so I no longer have a real reason to stay in Utah anymore but at the same time I dont know if I should pick up and move to Boise like I've thought about or, simply oacking up and movong somewhere I really want to move to. My relationship with my parents isnt getting any better so I need to do something for myself but, I can't figure out what. I am just so confused right now and I really can't figure out what to do for myself.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

In Memory

Its been over a year since my Grandfather passed away. I will never forget the night he passed away. That memory will be with me till the day I die. That night I listened to Photograph by Nickelback over and over for several hours. A year later on the anniversary of his passing I listened to the song again and I gained some closure. However I listened to "You'll be in my Heart" by Phil Collins today and couldnt help but think of my Grandfather. I still miss him. He was a great listener and had an interesting sense of humour and was always good for a hug. He loved hot sauce and I remember giving him a bottle of it for a wedding present when he was getting married again several years after my Grandmother passed away, and he put some of it on his piece of wedding cake! Point being, I miss him. I think next year if I can afford it, Im going to take a roadtrip down to Arizona and visit his grave to visit him and find some additional closure.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A new place

A new place, new name, new life. A place where I do not know anyone and nobody knows me. A place where I can be free to discover me and confirm my suspicions on such things. A new life, a new job, a whole different lifestyle, a new name, a new true me. I so want to do this soon. Im starting to save up and Im hoping that I can do this next year, away from the Southwest.

Who am I? Am I fat, skinny, anorexic, bulimic, chubby, a beanpole, a computer virus? Gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, bicurious, transgender,  etc? Wouldnt you like to know... Only I will know with time. Evil, manical, sadistic, megalomaniac, egotistical, insecure, kind, happy, generous? Tall, short, midget? Insecure vs secure? Uncertain, certain... religious, apathetic, unreligious, agnostic, atheist. Conservative, inbetween, liberal? Arab, Canadian, American, Mexican, German, Irish, British, Spanish, Greek? Nomad vs sedentary? Only I know...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Im gone next summer

So next summer I think I am going to disappear. Pack my stuff, get rid of a lot of stuff, and move somewhere where no one knows me, where I have no family members or contacts, etc... Im getting out of here! Time to start saving.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Life update

Things are so so these days. I've been working at the same place for over a month, it pays the same as my previous job which I lost. Well it pays the same during training that is. Next week when I'm done with training I get a raise, so while I will pay more in taxes, I also will be making more money so there is the tradeoff. My depressive anxiety is somewhat under control, though I did have an anxiety attack the other day occurring from a memory flashback that I would prefer not to visit again. I need to start seeing a counselor again. I'm moving down the street in a few weeks and other than that I have nothing to report.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Inside Im dying. I struggle to find myself. Im drowning in a sea of abyss, overflowing with bullshit, and the lies of people I used to trust.

I want to stop crying inside. I want to be me. Not something Im not. I used to think I had a small grasp of who I am. Now I simply don’t know anymore. I am literally alone in a sea of people. 

I want to feel. Some sort of feeling rather than feeling numb all the time. Not sitting alone in some dark corner of my mind. 

I want not to have these scars Emotional Abuse takes its toll. I’ve lived with it for 20+ years. With every day a piece of me chips off and goes away. 

I want to be able to trust again. But with my mind stuck in the past, dwelling on past incidents I have not been able to let go of. I want to be free of my past so I can move forward with my life. Yet I still dwell in the past. I want to fly and be as free as a bird, yet I cannot find my wings to take flight with.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I seriously just want to run. Run far away where no one knows me and build a life away from family drama.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Its time

I've decided its time for me to get off my lazy butt and get back into school and stick to it. I'm going back for a bachelors degree in Graphic Arts/Visual Media and while I know I will have to take out some loans for this program (I will need some special software and probably a macbook and a quality camera) even though I will be going to a local state University, I know it will be worth it in the end. Once I graduate I will be moving back to the East Coast, most likely to New York City, where I will work as a Graphic Designer/Visual Media Editor during the day and I will freelance and work a part time job as a server or a bartender to pay off my student loans asap and to build up my savings. Im looking forward to the next few years as they will be filled with interesting classes, an internship somewhere during the summer hopefully out of state (I've already seen a couple of possibilities but its still a few summers away) and then once I graduate, Im moving back to the East Coast and will be living in the City that never sleeps :) I will be able to get rid of most of my stuff and sell my car as you dont need a car in NYC.

Now I just need to book an appointment with my Universities guidance counselor to see what I need to do to get enrolled again and then figure out financial aid, class schedules, etc...

On another note, I started a photography blog as part of my portfolio that I will need for when I graduate and look for a professional job. Check it out at

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I am me

I am me. I listen to Lady Gaga, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Simple Plan, and whatever else I feel like listening to. I like photography, music, movies, etc... I am a person, an individual, a personality. I am me. And me is going out country dancing tonight for his first time! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The dark side of life

We can look on the dark side of life. Hell my life is not the best right now. My phones being a piece of crap right now, Im inbetween jobs till Monday, I dont have any money coming in till Monday so my savings are low right now as Im only subtracting from them and not adding to them, its exactly a week away from being a year exactly since an event happened last year that I realised after talking to my Grandmother today, my parents barely communicate with me at all and my biological siblings dont talk to me either.

And so I daydream of a perfect world. A world where my family understands that communication is not a two way street. Where my siblings call or text me instead of me putting all the effort into trying to keep family ties. Where my Dad responds instead of ignoring me and my Mom texts me to see how Im doing, rather than it always being the other way around. My little brother when he was first learning how to read and write would mail me drawings with a few sentences such as "I miss you..." Those little words meant a lot to me, coming from my youngest brother. Now communication with him is nonexistent.

Nearly three years ago, I moved back to the States from Saudi Arabia. Riyadh the capitol to be specific. A country very different than what the media makes it out to be and its not what most people in North America thinks its like. I did a year of college in Arizona and then moved to Utah for a multitude of reasons, one of them being I was done with Arizona heat and drama that happened while I was in High School in Arizona occurred again in college in Arizona. I was done with the bs and moved north, to Utah. I got a job and after living with my Aunt here in Utah for about a year, I was able to move out on my own with roommates. Some drama happened with a guy who should not have been there, but he refused to recognize that he had no right to be there, and continued to threaten me and I had enough and moved out. So far I havent had too many troubles with my current roommates, but I would like to be able to rent a studio or 1 bedroom apartment by myself if I can find something I can afford. My current lease ends in Mid-July so I do have some time before I need to worry about finding a new place to live. My current place is ok but I do not intend on renewing my lease. Finally after living here for close to two years, I have managed to make some good friends who are like siblings to me. I have issues with trusting people after a lots happened in my life, so this is huge for me.

Through counseling I've managed to get stablised, I no longer have thoughts of suicide, though I do still get depressed occasionally, but its not all the time and I usually am able to pull myself out of it pretty quickly. I've learned how to communicate but my family hasnt, and sadly they probably will not at this rate, and they still to this day do not understand me, especially my Dad, despite what he might say to the contrary. He hasnt understood me for years and I am no longer the same person he knew from when I lived at his house. Its been nearly three years since I moved out, I am a young adult, my own person not affiliated with his/my families religion of choice, I drink coffee, like starbucks, swear upon occasion, think for myself, etc. I definitely surprised my Dad last time I saw him and I said "no" on several occasions. It wasnt long ago, I couldnt say "no", as growing up, when my parents told me to do something, I was expected to do it, no matter what. It was simply adding too much drama in my life, and thankfully due to counseling, I learned when it was appropriate to say "no" as if I never said no, too many things piled up and that was not good. I've also learned how to deal with my anxiety issues and while I do occasionally have anxiety attacks or panic attacks, I know how to deal with them in a calm manner that leads to calmly resolving them in a much healthier mental state of mind. I've definitely become a better person and am constantly evolving and morphing into a better person, like a caterpillar in a cocoon, gradually morphing into a butterfly.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Life update,,,

Well fortunately after about two weeks of pounding pavement putting applications in for employment all over the place, I have found another job starting at the end of the month. I should be starting online classes soon to get the rest of my generals out of the way. I will probably be doing that for a year while I figure things out and figure out what I want to do with my life. I cant decide on what I want to do. I've been thinking business, international business, graphic design, education... I just cant decide.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bit of a setback

As the title above says I've hit a bit of a setback in my original plans to move to Salt Lake City. I lost my job up there and consequentially I will not be able to afford to move up there. Thankfully I have enough money saved to live on as long as I find another job in the next month but I will be continuing to live in the area I currently live in for the time being. However my long term plans involve moving out of state in a year or so. Where to I dont know but I am establishing a savings account to put some money in whenever I can for my fund to move out of state. It sucks but sometimes things do happen for a reason.

Currently listening to: Suomi by Alexander Rybak

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Flashback to about 8 years ago. I was 12 years old, babysitting for a family friend with 5 kids who were awesome. Now fast forward 8 years, Im 20 years old and just realised that one of the kids is now in High School O__O

Saturday, January 21, 2012

All time low

The challenge with depression is the constant battle to stay above water. At the moment my depression is at an all time low. I rarely go out except to go to work, the rest of the time I stay home, watch movies, listen to music. I rarely get texts or calls from anyone. Im really wondering what the point is in trying anymore. I need friends who will text me to see how my day is going, to hang out with me at night when Im not at work, to give me something to look forward to when I get off work. This sucks. I need to get out of here.

Im going

Im embarking on a journey of self discovery starting either in late spring and I am starting a new blog about it. Heres the link http:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I think Im going to disappear for a while either in late spring or early summer and just get away from where I live now and go somewhere where I do not know anyone who lives there. I'm not saying where because first of all its not for sure, second it depends on if I hear back about any of the jobs I applied for work out, and third I dont want anyone really to know where I am going because I just need to get away for a while and reboot myself.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New life

I've been thinking about this for a while and Im hoping to start a new life outside the states in about a year, in Canada. I'm researching schools and have a few I intend to apply to. They are

Memorial University-St Johns, Newfoundland and Labrador.

University of Victoria-Victoria, British Columbia.

University of Alberta-Edmonton, Alberta.

University of British Columbia-Vancouver, British Columbia.

Concordia University-Montreal, Quebec.

University of Ottawa-Ottawa Ontario

I intend to apply to the Bachelor of Primary Education for each of these respective universities. My intended goal is to become a Elementary School teacher and work with young kids because I enjoy helping them learn.

I think I will be turning this blog into a blog about my journey through applying for admissions to those Canadian Universities, how I will figure out how to pay for school there, the process of obtaining a student visa, wrapping up my life in the states as I prepare to leave, moving to Canada, getting started there, and life in general there.

Hopefully in about a year I will be Canada bound eh?