Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Building a new life for myself

I've decided that its time to start somewhere new where I do not know anyone and build a new life for myself. I have to live near the ocean because I really need that in my life again so it has to be the Coastal Western US or the Coastal Eastern US. I am so out of the Southwest late this coming Spring or early into Summer. Edit: Well I had a job interview at a place here in Utah on Monday and I got a callback from them today, saying that they wanted me to come in for another interview on Saturday. I will take that as a good sign that things are finally working out for me. I think I have figured out where I want to move to but to make it happen, I need to get this job that I have a second interview for, save up either enough for a large car downpayment or enough to buy a decent used car in cash, save up enough to have money for moving and first and last months rent and deposits and whatnot, pay off some bills here and get things straightened out so I can move, get rid of stuff so I only have a few things to take with me when I move. I need to get out of here by late spring or early summer so lets make this happen!

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